LMA wants every student to achieve to the best of their ability. We are experienced in providing opportunities for students with a range of needs to access the support they require to come to LMA and to complete their course successfully.

Reasonable adjustments:  Will be provided where necessary, for students, students who have a specific learning difficulty (including dyslexia), mental health condition, chronic medical condition, temporary impairment or are in a period of a severe short term illness, pregnancy or maternity. The circumstance must be having a substantial impact on a student’s capacity to study and/or take assessments in the usual way. Where appropriate students may be eligible for adjustments to their exam arrangements, coursework deadlines or the method of assessment.

Exceptional Circumstances: We recognise that there may be times when you are unable to meet the submission deadline for your work due to difficulties beyond your control e.g. personal illness or personal difficulties. If you find yourself in such a position you can make a claim for exceptional circumstances.


We will support and assist anyone with a disability, including specific learning difficulties, mental health needs and with physical and unseen disabilities.

We can advise on Disabled Student Allowances, accessibility issues and a wide range of support and adjustments to meet the individual needs of students. You can apply for DSA with this link here 

Speak to a member of the team for guidance on all aspects of reasonable adjustments including:

  • what are reasonable adjustments
  • how adjustments are identified
  • what is the difference between reasonable adjustments and exceptional circumstances?
  • what a Learning Support Statement is
  • disabled Student Allowances (DSA)
  • alternative Assessments
  • placements


We all experience problems and difficulties that affect our mental wellbeing and as a student, you may well find yourself experiencing some of these. They might be related to issues and events that have happened whilst studying or they might be connected to previous experiences or issues in your personal life.  Some examples of the sorts of things you might be affected by are: Relationships (with friends, partners or family); Self-harm: Eating difficulties; Study problems; Loneliness; Suicidal thoughts; Depression; Self-confidence; Sexuality; Bereavement; Anxiety; Gender; Addiction; Cultural issues; and Self-esteem.

If you’re finding it difficult to engage with your studies or struggling to cope more generally with any of these types of issues, you can access support through our Student Services team. 

LMA has partnered with Orcha Health, the leading digital health provider so that our students can receive the very best online support services. The app has thousands of health and wellbeing apps which are used by the NHS. You can get help with quitting smoking, counselling, healthy nutrition, even fitness apps and many more, plus most of them are free!


Our teams of LMA Ambassadors are on hand at both Liverpool and London Campuses to provide any daily additional support that you may need. Made up of LMA graduates, they’re  there for you whether it’s directions around campus, help with the LMA app, where to find the best gig venues in the area or even to let them know about the great projects you’re working on to get them across LMA socials. The Ambassadors are a key element of the LMA Student Engagement team and a huge part in settling new students and also checking in with all students throughout their time with us. Knowing LMA inside and out there’s not much that the LMA Ambassadors can’t help you with. Being from various course backgrounds they can relate to what you need to make the best version of you and support you every step of the way.